A group of Fairfield Gonzales residents have come together around an innovative tool to connect community members and inspire them to improve the local quality of life!

A map of community assets is now available online and in a printed version. Find it in our building and in various neighbourhood locations.

This is a community-based project. Each asset has been submitted by a community member, and we encourage anyone to contact us if you would like to add other assets to the map.

Legend of assets:

  • Natural assets are sources of inspiration that exist within the community naturally like Moss Rock Park. 
  • Social assets are sources of inspiration that provide social benefit like November Project. 
  • Economic assets are sources of inspiration that provide value for community members like Cottage Bakery. 
  • Public assets are sources of inspiration that deliver benefit for community members like the Fairfield Gonzales Community Association. 
  • Built assets are sources of inspiration that cultivate connection like Fair Field boulevard garden
  • Intangible assets are things like undiscovered or underutilized skills, expertise, and willingness to volunteer and participate in working toward common goals. 

Is there something in Fairfield Gonzales that inspires you?

Background about the project

In the summer 2019, the Streetlife Committee decided to develop an asset-mapping project. The larger goal was to engage and inspire the community around what is positive in the neighbourhood. Local residents and stakeholders could submit feedback about how to keep improving the quality of life in Fairfield Gonzales.

Each neighbourhood has its particular assets, whether they are natural, built, economic, social…. Bringing value to where we live!

In January 2021, the project came to reality, thanks to many diverse contributions to the Google map, and a My Great Neighbourhood Grant from the City of Victoria!

The Streetlife committee members, who made the project a reality! From top left: Bryan Rowley, Virginie Raimbaud, Elaine Weidner, Sung Lee, Julia Warren, Sandy Enns, Don Monsour, Quinn Fletcher, Dave Thompson

Check out the map above and then scroll down to know more about what’s next!

What’s next?

 We are currently busy distributing the maps in the neighbourhood. Also, as the need for physical distancing related to Covid-19 fades away, human connection is becoming a priority for many people and our group wants to foster this change!

A few other needs that we identified in the neighbourhood are:

  • affordability
  • safety/comfort
  • homelessness
  • development and densification
  • vehicle speeding

Contact info:

Contact us if you want to know more about this project, submit your community asset, volunteer or just send us feedback.