Funding for the FGCA’s food programs is provided through the United Way & Victoria Foundation. We gratefully acknowledge the support of our funders, partners, and donors including the Mustard Seed, ColdStar Solutions, and Gatton House Farms.

“It has made us possible for us to have enough food. I can not describe how much it has impacted our life. I am so grateful.” – pantry participant

Indoor Community Freezer

We offer a changing selection of rescued, frozen foods including frozen fruits & veggies, meat, and prepared foods. Rescued food is all perfectly good food that has been donated because it is close to expiry, overstocked, mislabeled or has damaged packaging. We are unable to accept donations from individual community members due to food safety.

Date:      Monday – Friday

Time:      8:30 pm- 5:00 pm

Cost:       Free

Where:   1330 Fairfield Rd (in the foyer)

Outdoor Food Pantry

Anybody can take what they need, and/or drop off food. Please note this is only for non-perishable foods and hygiene items. No clothing or opened, perishable, or expired foods please.

Date:     Monday – Friday

Time:     24/7

Cost:      Free

Where:   1330 Fairfield Rd (outside main building)

Commonly Needed Items:

  • canned or dried beans and lentils
  • brown rice
  • whole grain and gluten-free pasta
  • cooking oils: olive, canola, avocado
  • baking ingredients: flour (regular and gluten-free), sugar, baking powder, baking soda, vanilla
  • spices
  • peanut butter
  • canned fish
  • tomato paste

Thursday Market Shop

Bring your reusable shopping bags and shop from a variety of rescued foods including fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy, non-perishables, and frozen foods. No registration required, just come pick up a ticket at 4:50 pm.

Date:     Thursdays

Time:      5:00pm – 5:30 pm ( while supplies last)

Cost:       Free

Where:   1330 Fairfield Rd  (in the foyer)

Currently attending our Thursday Market Shop? Please fill out this survey to help us better serve you!

Tuesday Neighbourhood Pantry [by registration only]

Registered individuals and families can “shop” rescued food for free including fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy, frozen healthy food, dry food, and more. Food offered varies each week.

Who can access this service? We prioritize people who self-identify as food-insecure. If you live, work, and/or access programs in Fairfield-Gonzales, and experience barriers to healthy and/or culturally-appropriate food, you are eligible.

Date:     Tuesdays

Time:      3:00-4:45 pm (while supplies last)

Cost:       Free

Where:   1341 Thurlow Rd (Garry Oak Room foyer)

Currently attending our Tuesday Neighbourhood Pantry? Please fill out this survey to help us better serve you!

Contact us if you are eligible, call 250-382-4604

Information and Resources

Half of the food produced in Canada is wasted, while 1 in 7 Canadians cannot afford enough food for their families or themselves. In the CRD, an estimated 50,000 people are considered food-insecure*, and 30,000 people don’t currently access food services. We consider this phenomenon “hidden hunger”. In a wealthy country like Canada, this is not only a matter of social justice, it should just not happen at all. And there is something we are doing about it. We believe solving hunger relies on secure, safe, varied and adapted food access. We believe that food should be primarily healthy and local. In light of this information, our Neighbourhood Association runs diverse food programs and is becoming a real Food Hub, hence its name: Fairfield Gonzales Neighbourhood Pantry.

*Individuals and families who identify as food insecure don’t have access in terms of quantity and quality to a healthy, consistent and culturally-appropriate diet.

Other community food resources: Food Services ​in the Capital Region