The CALUC is a volunteer committee that researches community opinion on land use in our neighbourhood. The CALUC helps our neighbours engage in community planning by providing opportunities and processes to collect and forward residents’ comments to City Council. The CALUC reviews a variety of development applications & proposals for rezoning in the Fairfield and Gonzales areas, and hears and records public input on these matters.  The CALUC has no decision-making authority over proposed developments, and all decisions are made by the city.  Residents may also provide input by writing to City Council, attending Council meetings, as well as talking to City councillors.  Community Meeting General Info.

CALUC membership:
CALUC members serve for a one year term.  If you are interested in serving on the CALUC, click here to apply.
CALUC members: Joanna Fox (chair), Don Monsour, Peter Hawker, Johanna Henderson, Steve Roddick, James Coccola 
Meeting Dates and Time (meetings may be cancelled if no projects come forward):

4th Monday of the month (Dates may change according to needs, please check dates below)

Next Meeting: March 24th , 2025 

Time: 7:00pm-9:00pm 

Location:  1330 Fairfield Rd

2025:  February 24th, March 24th, April 28th, May 26th, June 23rd, July 28th, August 25th, 

For information or to get on the agenda, please complete the form below and we’ll respond as soon as possible. 

Upcoming  Meetings

For all applications, once the proposed plans and a project summary have been received by the City, they will be posted on the Tracker and an online comment form is available to share comments. So please keep checking the Development Tracker on these and all applications for updates. 

Email Us

  • Name(Required)

  • Past Meetings

    We are happy to receive emails on any proposal, at any time and we will include all such emails with our report to the City on the Community Meeting. 

    City of Victoria ~ Sustainable Planning & Community Development

    Visit the above link to find information and direction around development, zoning and Community Association Land Use Committees (CALUC)

    The City of Victoria’s Terms of Reference for all CALUCs can be found here.

    City of Victoria ~ on-line tool to access information portals

    The  Development Tracker follows the progress of rezoning applications and will be of interest to both applicants and neighbourhood residents. Once a proposal has been filed with the City, the status of current Fairfield-Gonzales projects (as well as all others) may be reviewed by clicking the link above

    City of Victoria ~ Maps

    To view all City of Victoria neighbourhoods on one map, visit this link.

    Also see individual maps of:

    Fairfield Neighbourhood Boundary

    Gonzales Neighbourhood Boundary