Hand Drumming and Percussion
Instructor: Jordan Hanson
Hand Drumming & Percussion with Jordan Hanson
Beginners welcome – Drums provided
This course teaches you the fundamental hand positions and drum sounds so that you can feel comfortable jamming at home or with friends. The step-by-step lessons will show you the right way to play it correctly. You will learn new rhythms, technique, patterns and grooves, how to improvise, and how to care for your drum. Basically, you will become an instant musician, and get to have fun playing rhythms each week.
You do not need to know anything about drumming before taking this course. In fact, you do not even need a drum. Professional drums are provided for all classes. You will also receive a 30-page guide – “Intro Hand Drumming” for your own future reference.
Tuesday, January 21 – March 11
(Takes place in the Sir James Douglas Elementary Multi Purpose Room)
Registration opens November 25th. To register, please call 250-382-4604.
Tuesdays, April 15 – May 13
5/$150 (Early Bird Rate $125 before April 4th)
Registration opens March 17th. To register, please call 250-382-4604.
Level 2 Hand Drumming and Percussion
For students who have taken the Beginner Hand Drumming course. In a fun and comfortable setting, you will develop your speed and sound on the drums, all the while learning new rhythms and patterns. We will also explore drum breaks and soloing techniques. Level 2 is the chance to take your drumming to new heights, and to feel confident in your playing, timing and creativity.
Thursdays, January 23 – March 13
(Takes place in the Garry Oak Room)
Registration opens November 25th.To register, please call 250-382-4604.
Thursdays, April 24 – May 15
4/$120 (Early Bird Rate $100 before April 4th)
Registration opens March 17th. To register, please call 250-382-4604.